'Fragile Handle With Care' stamped on to a brown paper parcel

Naturally, some children are more fragile than others. Fragile as in they are more sensitive and emotional. They could naturally be like this or life experiences could have made them become fragile. Parents may not know what changed them but there is nothing wrong with them being this way. We do, however, need to make sure that we interact with these types of children in the right way so that they can flourish and survive in the world. So, how can we do this?

8 Tips For Interacting With Fragile Children

  1. We can be more careful about the words we use and how we say things.
  2. We can support them and who they are. What do they need from us emotionally?
  3. We can help them feel special, valued and important. Part of this is praising them for what they did well or when they made an effort.
  4. We can encourage them to join in activities or do something willingly without force. They may get very upset if they are forced to do something they don’t want to do.
  5. We should try not to embarrass the child or make them centre of attention.
  6. We shouldn’t mention to other people that ‘they are sensitive’. They don’t need a label.
  7. We can teach them not to take everything to heart and help them understand why people say things and about different types of sense of humour.
  8. We can build them up to see that they are great and have a lot to offer friends. They may be more sensitive to words and actions of other people but that does not mean that they are not loved and appreciated.

We want our fragile children to be happy and the ideas above will certainly help them. Have you tried any others with success? I’d love to hear about them.

For more useful information on supporting your child and helping them feel more confident in themselves, why not pick up a copy of The Parent’s Toolkit. Full of simple but effective ways to help your child be their best. You may also want to think how coaching could help your child. For an informal chat I can be reached on 07961 312749.