Poster advertising P20 talks ConferenceWow – I just can’t wait. In 2 days time I will be in Dublin, speaking and immersing myself in this fantastic international event.  The P20 Parenting Conference is the third of it’s kind that has been run and from what I hear, the first two were a great success. This year there are going to be over 80 parenting educators coming together in Ireland for the P20 Conference. They will share ideas, experience and stories about how they have come to do what they love and how they are contributing to society with their work. I can’t think of a more amazing event. Read more about the P20 Parenting Conference

What Will I Talk About At The P20 Parenting Conference?

Most, if not all, of the attendees are going to be doing a 10 minute TED-type talk – me included!  I am talking about resilience and how important it is that children have resilience when it comes to friendships. What we learn as a child in the playground in terms of relationships and friendships is so essential to what we need when we grow and reach the workplace. We need to know how to deal with loss of a friendship, how to handle conflict with others, we need to understand what trust is and how to get along with different personality types. In the modern world children also need to have the skills to use social media and be resilient when using it – and know not to use it when they feel less emotionally strong. I also will be talking about how children gain this resilience and how as educators we can help them develop this.

I can’t wait to share my story and knowledge and hope that my talk will be as powerful as those I have already heard in pre-conference calls. Let’s go Dublin!