The Contribution Board, Teamwork product
I am a big believer in encouraging families to work together as a team. If every person does their bit then the team plays well and succeeds in what they are trying to achieve. If someone doesn’t pull their weight,  then the team can fall down and the atmosphere is not the optimum it could be. No one person can do it all. I want to help families to succeed and get more of them working together as a team so I have developed the Contribution Board to help them. Using the Contribution Board encourages individual members of the family to help each other out more as well as see the benefits of team work. It will also help them to appreciate the efforts of their ‘team members’.

Encouraging Families To Use Teamwork

  • Helps them learn to think for themselves
  • Do things for themselves and for others
  • Teach them responsibility
  • It will encourage personal development and life skills
  • Enhance their communication
  • Help a child’s self-esteem as they see they are able to be helpful and feel that they belong to something special.

So this is how it works.. Each member of the family uses stickers to document what jobs and tasks they have done. At the end of the week everyone can see who has contributed what to family life. The completed weekly page can be used as a discussion point over a family dinner to see how the team is working and do something special to celebrate everyone working hard as a team. Once the week is celebrated you can then turn over to a fresh clean page and start again.The Contribution Board - Stickers

The Contributions board is a great motivator for children. It encourages them to join in and develop key developmental skills. It is a fun family tool with a serious undertone of commitment, team spirit and collaboration. Every family needs a great team. Read more details of how to use the Contributions board  along with the benefits of such a simple tool. Read the stunning reviews so far from parents who have been using it with their children. It is now available from ebay at a price of just £14.99 plus p+p and it will also be on sale via Amazon very soon.