be more positive

Children need to be more positive and more fluid thinking than seeing things as either black/white or as good/bad. For example, children will find it very frustrating when they cannot control a situation, especially when it is not the way they want it to be and see it as a bad situation. I remember a child telling me about a holiday they went on that they did not enjoy. They have viewed it as bad because they had very little control over the holiday. The weather had not been great and they did not always enjoy what they did. Had they viewed the holiday differently, accepted that they could not change it and been more positive, they would have enjoyed the holiday much more. Walking around with a negative outlook isn’t conducive to finding the fun or interest in situations.

Children need to see things differently so they can enjoy life, and it’s important that they realise that they can’t control everything. The same child told me about their long and boring train journey. But they could have thought, this journey can be fun because we can play games or watch a movie. Not only would the journey have gone faster, but the child would also have had more fun. It’s just about a small switch in attitude.

Helping Children To Be More Positive About Life

Whatever ‘annoying’ situation your children find themselves in, help them to change their mindset from a negative one to a positive one. Help them to think, ‘And what now?’ Don’t let them get stuck in a pattern of reacting a certain way. Instead, get them to look for opportunities to have fun or look for alternative things to do. Help them also to accept that some things are ‘frustrating’ but they don’t have to be for long.

For help in raising your child’s positive mood and mindset please get in touch.