girl in field

I saw a young boy recently in my coaching practice. He loves playing on his screens but recognises he has a problem. He plays games for roughly 5 hours a day and would have more screen time if he was allowed. He knows it is too much though and when he is asked to come off his screens he does not respond very well. He wants to be a nicer person when he is asked to come off his screens but he does not know how though. This is something we are going to work on. I asked him why he spends so much time on his device and he said he had nothing else to do. He is bored and it is his ‘go to’. I responded to saying that he could do, it was possible. It is a shame that he sees the screen as the only thing he can do that occupies his time. He has no project such as building a model, no book to start and finish, no puzzles to crack or the motivation to think ‘let’s go out on the trampoline or kick a ball around in the garden’. He really needs something else to do and I think his parents can help nurture him find that thing and limit his screen time. Children refusing to get off screens not doing projects and hobbies and getting fresh air which is such a shame.

Children Refusing Is Not Conducive To What We Want

Many parents are not happy about the amount of screen time their children are having and would prefer them to be outside exploring nature and running around. However, often when they do suggest it, their children will refuse and that can be disappointing for the parents. Why don’t children see the benefits of outdoor play?

I found this article today about children refusing to play outside – Parents Disappointed Over Childrens Refusal to Play Outdoors and Connect with Nature. There is too much to tempt children to stay inside. With shorter breaks at school parents need to take more responsibility for getting them outside. Perhaps when the sun is shining take them to the park – take a ball or a Frisbee. Get some play stuff for the garden. Take them on long walks or for a jog. Do some treasure trails or geocaching which will give them exercise and have fun. Children also learn new skills and experiences and have their imagination fuelled when playing outside with their friends, on their own or with their family.

How often does your child play outdoors and do you feel it’s of benefit to them? Leave your comments below.

For all kinds of parenting help and getting your child to change their behaviour or their thoughts please get in touch.