girl smiling, happy childWe all want to be happy don’t we? Happy is such a wonderful feeling and when we feel happy we get on better with the people around us, smile more and have a positive attitude. I love being happy and used to think that I was happy and didn’t really think of the science behind it. I now know that there is a ‘happy hormone’ called Serotonin that is responsible for the way we feel and we can increase it by doing certain things. We can help ourselves be happy but we can also help our children to be happy too but how can we do this?

Getting The Happy Hormone To Work

  • Help your child to choose to think positive thoughts rather than negative ones. When they do they will increase their serotonin level.
  • Get your children to run around and do some exercise as serotonin is released when they do physical activities. I find that when I go for a run I feel amazing afterwards and even smile when I am running due to this hormone.
  • Get children out in the sunshine at every opportunity. When the sun sees skin vitamin D is produced and it produces serotonin. We know that people are always happier when the sun shines. It is safe for your child to go without sunscreen for about 20 minutes to get some vitamin D.
  • Suggest they do something they love. When we enjoy an activity we feel good and happy.

So next time your children are in a bad mood (just because i.e. you know they are being grumpy and are not wrestling with a problem or are ill, hungry or tired) work together to get them into a more positive mindset and get them out in the garden running around. Their mood should hopefully change.

If you would like some help getting your child to feel happier and have a more positive outlook on life check out my ‘WOW’ Board.

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