Gold egg amongst whiteBeing unique is good. If everyone was the same then life would be kind of dull. There would be no-one to have debates with as everyone would have the same opinions and thoughts, everyone would want to wear the same clothes, have the same hairstyle and be a good (or not so good) person, and be good at the same  school subjects and extra-curricular activities. As I said life would be dull if there was no uniqueness. Uniqueness is wonderful and it offers children a chance to learn about other people. The way other friends were brought up and their experiences, They can learn from each other and grow at the same time.

There are some children who feel that being the same as everyone else would be a good thing. They would easily fit in with their peer group and be accepted. They don’t want to be different or stick out so they try and blend into the background by agreeing with what other people say and behave in the same way as their peers. But they are different and so what we need to do is get our children to see the benefits of being unique and embracing it.

The Benefits Of Being Unique Are..

  1. Sharing their talents with other people and helping others learn new things
  2. Bringing new ideas and thoughts into discussions and group work
  3. Standing out in a crowd and being seen by their friends
  4. Being recognised for being a certain type of person and one that people are drawn to because they have that special quality
  5. They will be interesting to other people that are don’t share the same views as them
  6. They have different stories and experiences to share with their friends

What other benefits would you list?

Being Me (And Loving It) is full of stories and activities about being unique. It helps children accept and love who they are and that being different is a good thing.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at