Two girls with arms round each other
It is so easy to start a new school and get so wrapped up into making new friends and creating a new social life but what about your child’s old friends? Where are they? Are they on the scene at all? Are they at the same school and they just don’t want to see them anymore? Are they keeping hold and maintaining old friendships? It is so important to teach your child not to just let those friendships go – you know, the ones in which they were really happy and enjoyed spending time with. It is important that your child makes new friends but keeps these old friendships alive as their old friends will make them feel safe and secure whilst at the same time meeting new people. These are the people who know them best and make them feel good about themselves whilst forming new friendships.

How To Maintaining Old Friendships

If their old friends are at the same school encourage your child to make an effort with them. They could stop their old friends in the corridor and catch up with what they are doing and perhaps even arrange to see them out of school and do some of the things that they used to enjoy doing.

If they are at different schools make sure they call them or WhatsApp them, Instagram or SnapChat friends so they don’t lose touch. And when it comes to the holidays get them to make some plans with their old friends and some with their new. Good friendships are hard to find.

You won’t be able to make them see their old friends – that will be up to them. Some of the friendships will survive and others will not and that may be because both sides of the friendship didn’t make an effort, not your child giving up because they have lots of other new people to meet.

Read my successful friendships ebook to help your child with all things friendship or download my secondary school transition ebook. Both have great ideas for your child.