Sharing children bedroomsSharing is one of those traits that we want our children to be good at. When they share they are seen to be giving, selfless, kind. helpful, considerate…the list goes on. How lovely is it to know that your child is a good sharer and is able to think about another person’s needs as well as their own. When we encourage our children to share from a young age we talk to them about how others share and say things like, ‘Your friend was sharing her toys really well. That was very kind of her’ and we praise them when they share well. When we play games with them we teach them about turn taking and when they have something to eat we encourage them to offer them to others.

There are so many ways to encourage sharing. I came across one recently and I think it is a wonderful ways to promote this trait. It is unusual but I can see why it would work.

One Way To Encourage Our Children To Share

Have you ever thought about getting your children to share a bedroom? Sharing a bedroom gets children to think about the other person, their needs and forces them in some shape or form to consider and compromise with another person in the same space. They need to think about wardrobe space, toys, books, what is going to happen when one sibling has a friend to play. So much to consider and negotiate on and it can really help siblings to learn to get along better. My children don’t share a room but I understand why parents do put their children in together even when they have enough bedrooms for each child.

If your children do share a room would you say they have become better sharers? How?

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(Image courtesy of luigi diamanti at