The word 'better'

When working with children I often discuss how they see themselves and ask them if they think there is anything they could change to be a better person. Perhaps they could be more thoughtful, more inclusive or they could smile more. Whether it is a child in my session or an adult, I think there would always be an answer to this question. You can always be a better person – there is always room for improvement.

So how do we help our children be better? Well we can…..

8 Ways To Help Your Child Be A Better Person

Help children to take ownership of their behaviour and their actions. In other words, own it and the way you act.

Teach them to control their emotions and their responses towards others. Think before they do or say.

Show children how to be good communicators – be a good listener as well as offer help to others.

Share the importance of helping others and including them in activities.

Teach children to not hold grudges and forgive others when they do something wrong.

Help them, not to judge others people’s behaviour and to respect others opinions. Children need to remember that not everyone has the same values as them.

Show children what good manners look like. Smiling when meeting someone new, being interested in others, using please and thank you. All are as important as each other.

Help children to be flexible in their thinking and encouraged to change their thinking.

Children often model their behaviour on what they see from their parents so, it’s important that they are aware of how they treat others and themselves. Becoming a better person doesn’t happen overnight, but with practice it is possible. Many behaviours are followed out of habit so gain some self-awareness and practice, practice, practice!

For more help on getting your child to be a better person help them gain essential life skills from coaching sessions with me.