GOALS written on top of a notepad resting on wooden desk

Hopes and goals. Dreams and ambitions. Adults have them and, as parents, we want the same for our children. We want them to be able to set goals for themselves and aspire to something that will bring them fulfilment, make them grow in character and make them happy. Some of these goals may come true and, as parents, we should also be thinking and implementing hopes for ourselves and strive to do our best in whatever we are doing. We should want our children to do the same and much of that will come from what they see and hear from us. Parents are their children’s teachers so let’s teach them to goal set, reach for the stars and start thinking about their immediate and short-term future. What better time to do this than the beginning of a new calendar year?

Setting Family Hopes And Goals

I was thinking recently about how I set myself goals for the coming year in terms of my business and that it could easily apply to families. Families are a bit like a business. They have managers – mum and dad and they have employees – children – so why not have family goals as well as individual ones?

Just like a business would do a vision board and identify where they plan to take their business in the coming year, families could plan where they want their family to be in a years’ time too. It doesn’t even have to be a year. It could be by the end of January or by the end of the school year. What would your children like to have achieved individually and what would you like to achieve together as a family?

Why not have a big family meeting and discussion around the table to share those ideas and write them down? You could review them weekly/monthly and see if you are getting any closer to achieving those things you all hoped for. Vision is a good thing and keeps you on track.

I love having hopes and goals. Perhaps your child needs some help setting some of their own. I can do a one session to help them do this. Why not give me a call on 07961312749 to find out more.