Mum having fun with daughter, mum listening to daughterI have used the title of this article I want to share with you as the inspiration of today’s blog, but I have tweaked it slightly as I don’t just think it’s just relevant to teens. I think the advice in the article works for younger children too. I have a 12 year old so this really resonates with me, and if it resonates with me then I just have to share it with you.We all know how frustrating it is when our child gives us one word answers or when we try and hold a conversation and they don’t seem to want to engage with us. We are desperate for them to talk to us and keep the lines of communication open but they remain shut. It is important that they do talk to us so improving communication and getting them to open up is vital. So how can you talk with your child to do this?

How To Talk With Your Child

The five strategies mentioned in the article are brilliant and if you are not using them then you should. I am a advocate of all five but one other thing I have consciously spent more time doing is making my house the ‘place to be’. With a 12 year old who has just started secondary school I want him to feel able to invite whoever he wants back from school and let them hang here in a safe place rather than on a street corner. I want to be able to meet his friends and get to know them and see how he interacts with them. I want my home to be a second home to his friends and know that I am not going to interfere (much) and that he has the freedom to come and go (so long as he tells me where and what time he will be back).

By making more of a conscious effort with these five strategies I truly believe they will make your relationship with your child better. They will in turn appreciate the way you are treating them – even though they won’t say it – and will be more forthcoming in engaging with you.

Have a go and spot the positive effect these strategies have.  Let me know how you get on!

If you do have a child who does not want to talk to you why not check out my blog on, ‘Getting Kids To Talk’. Alternatively perhaps they want to talk to someone outside of the family. If that’s the case please do get in touch with me for some coaching.