WOW Board - Parenting Resource

My parenting resources have moved home! I was not happy about it as I loved selling via Amazon but it is not meant to be any longer. With Amazon changing their rules on selling and it being more difficult for me to sell there I have had to made the move to eBay. In my mind eBay was a place to buy cheaper goods than Amazon and I thought they were the poorer of the two sales platforms. I was wrong though. Now settled in the eBay home I am happy with their service and happy that I have made the move. I am not auctioning off my resources though I am sorry to say!

Parenting Resources for You

The WOW Board

Wow Board for Schools - CoverThe ‘WOW’ board has been developed for children who need a self-esteem boost and to start focusing on the positive things that happen in their life. All children should feel good about who they are, recognise and acknowledge their strengths and have a ‘can do’ attitude!

Get your child to start their year feeling uber positive about their life.  Get the Wow Board on eBay. 

Contributions Board

The Contribution Board - The Kids Coach Parenting ProductThe Contributions board is a sticker chart with a difference! It has been developed to encourage individual members of the family to help each other out more and work as a team.

Help your family to appreciate the efforts of their ‘team members’ and to pitch in more with household chores.  Get the Contribution Board now on eBay. 


These parenting resources are incredibly useful products for your child’s personal development. They are a fantastic way to boost a child’s self-esteem and help them to feel more confident.

You can read reviews and more information via my product pages.