Helping your child be a role model, older child talking to siblingWe are all role models to someone. It could be to our friends, business people we come into contact with, people we have never met, young people and our siblings. We may not think we are a good role model but we are. There is always someone looking at us thinking, ‘I would like to be more like them.’ There are some good role models out there. By that I mean people who behave in a way that is respected by others – how they conduct themselves is admired and they have possibly achieved great things.

There are also some people who aren’t such good role models. An example of this are people who are rude to others, disrespectful and use their authority in a negative way. There are plenty of other negative character traits they may display.

The Benefits Of Being A Good Role Model

We need to be good role models to our children and most of us, (if not all I imagine), would want our children to be good role models to their siblings. We know that younger siblings look up to their older ones and therefore we need the older ones to behave in a certain way, so the younger ones replicate what they do and behave in a similar manner.

Talk to your child about role modelling and the kind of people they look up to. What kind of traits do these people have? What kind of traits does your child have that would be useful to share with their siblings? How do they talk and interact with other people? How do they solve problems? How do they behave if they don’t get their own way?

Their siblings are always watching them and want to be just like them too. It is very flattering isn’t it? They need to set an example and be a role model.

Encourage your child to be a role model. Here are a few ideas…

  • Speaking with respect to their siblings
  • Using their manners
  • Sharing with them
  • Helping them
  • Encouraging them
  • Being kind
  • Keeping promises
  • Showing their siblings they are happy being who they are

What else would you add to this list?