smiling, happy childSome people love smiling and are happy. They smile – you smile – it’s contagious – a bit like sneezes. When children smile they can light up a room, they can change other people’s moods and they can make life a bit more pleasant for everyone around them. Everyone loves to see a smiling and happy child. Smiling is good but not everyone does it enough. I know several children who don’t appear happy – they will say they are but you can’t tell because their face is telling a different story. With children like this we need to get them to smile and see the importance of smiling so they are conveying their true feelings on their face. They need to show they are happy on the outside.

The Importance Of Smiling And Feelings

  1. It draws people to you as it makes you appear friendly.
  2. Smiling tells the person that you are with that you like them and like what they are saying.
  3. Smiling creates a great first impression, especially when you want to make new friends.
  4. It shows that you are HAPPY!
  5. Smiling makes you look nice and changes the way your face looks. It can make your eyes twinkle.
  6. It changes the way you feel. By changing your frown to a smile will make a huge different to your mood and out a spring in your step.
  7. Smiling makes you feel less stressed and more relaxed. I think this is related to the happy hormones.
  8. It makes you feel HAPPY!
  9. Smiling helps you stay positive.
  10. Smiling tells everyone around you what is going on inside your mind and that you are enjoying being around them.

Teach your child to do it every day and watch the response of others. Often when we smile we are greeted back with one too.


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