'Role Play' written on blackboard

I love role play. It is not only a fun thing for children to do in terms of play, but it’s also a useful tool that can be used to help them in their day-to-day life. Role play is a great educational tool that can help a child in various ways and has so many benefits for them.

8 Benefits Of Role Play For Children

  • It helps children to understand the situation they find themselves in.
  • It allows them to experiment with words.
  • It helps them to see things from another person’s perspective.
  • They can try out different ways to communicate and see the responses they may receive.
  • It develops communication and language skills.
  • It gives children the opportunity to act out and make sense of real-life situations.
  • It teaches them to empathise.
  • It allows them to express their feelings and thoughts.

It can also give children the opportunity to practice skills such as resolving conflicts, or the art of negotiation. Role-play also helps them practice what to say and how to say it, in situations they find tricky.

I use role play in most of my life coaching sessions with children. It is so easy to use and is incredibly effective and it is just as useful for parents to use at home. It’s perfect for practicing speaking up for what you want, need and general effective communication. Get in the habit of practicing role-play with your children. Use it when they have a specific issue they need to deal with, such as a problem with a friend, as well as discussing things that could happen in real life like getting lost, what to do in an emergency etc.  Prepare and help them to feel more confident in dealing with their problems and situations. You never know when it may come in handy.

For more help on role-playing and helping your child be a better communicator, in general, please get in touch with me on 07961312749 or send me an email.

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I have a range of books and resources for any parent that needs some extra help dealing with their children.  Read all about them here: Help for Parents