girls hugging and making up

If there is one thing that I want children to take away from my workshops it is to learn how to problem solve. With problems being everywhere it is an essential life skill. Many children feel they should solve the problem in the right way – the ‘should’ way:

  • They should say sorry.
  • They should do what the other person wants.
  • They should give in.

This is not always the best way to deal with things as it does not always give the child who is solving the problem what they want. For example in the playground – if one child is being bossy should your child just do what the bossy child says or could they do or say something to assert themselves and give themselves a happier outcome? They should do the latter as that will help them feel empowered and more in control of a situation.

Problem Solve The Best Way

Being prepared for problems is a great way to tackle them. I like to teach children what they could do rather than what they should do so that they have an array of solutions to choose from. They should think of several possible solutions before choosing the one they feel most comfortable with. Which solution is going to get what they want and make the other party, if there is one, feel okay and happy enough with the outcome. Can you provide more ideas which will help children think outside of the box and get creative with solutions to problems? When your child comes to you with a problem ask them, ‘What could they do?’  Check your own reactions to their problem to ensure you aren’t directing your child into the “should” kind of thinking.

Great problem solving comes from children who are allowed to make decisions and have control over choices they make – something for parents to think about

‘What do you think? I’d love to hear your suggestions – please leave a comment below or via my social media channels.

I help children solve in all my coaching sessions. If you would like your child to do this independently then book in a coaching session with me.